2nd PCNS Passive Components Networking Symposium was a great opportunity to meet professionals and discuss with them hot topics, challenges, market trends, supplies etc. related to passive components
Typical short circuit failure mode in Tantalum capacitors can lead to significant damage to the adjacent circuit board, and 50%voltage de-rating alone is not sufficient to address this problem.
Components for space applications are subject to extreme temperatures, It is important to have enough data so that customers are confident to use parts in these cryogenic applications
Electrical and materials performance of EEE components and Electro-optical components are critical in some planetary missions. Cryogenic Temperatures and pressure conditions are just an example of these extreme environmental conditions that can be face the components
ULP (Ultra-Low-Profile aluminum electrolytic capacitors) breaks away from the cylindrical designs usually associated with aluminum electrolytic capacitors, the design is an outgrowth of the company’s